CGTN主持人、约旦籍国际学生校友米娜(MERNA GHASSAN ABDEL RAHMAN AL NASSER),是本场分论坛的主持人。分论坛结束之后,米娜这样说:作为全球青年的一员,我很荣幸能参与这场关于创新与发展的对话。相信在我们的共同努力下,全球未来将会更加美好、充满活力。作为青年一代,我们肩负着引领创新的使命。我坚信,通过全球青年携手合作,我们必将共同开创更加繁荣、可持续的未来。青年是创新的先锋,相信在我们共同努力下,全球未来将更加美好与充满无限可能。
新闻学院硕士研究生、哈萨克斯坦籍国际学生白雪(GRINCHENKO,SNEZHANA)是分组研讨环节的主持人。分组研讨结束之后,白雪这样说:讨论过程中,许多青年代表的故事深深打动了我,比如,他们说:I would never say, “I’ve made it,” because I haven’t, at all. At this moment, all I can say is, “I’m satisfied with where I have been and with what I have been able to contribute.” 。此时此刻,我感到非常骄傲,因为在座的每一位虽来自不同国家、学习不同的专业、经历着不同的人生,但我们都在不同的领域尽心尽力地努力,想要活出自我,因为只有自己变好了,才有机会携起手来推动社会发展,让世界变得更加美好。分论坛结束时,我们的想法达成了一致,全球青年应当顺应时代发展,把握时代机遇,实现全球发展和进步,“Together, we can change the world! ”
国际关系学院硕士研究生、葡萄牙籍国际学生GONCALO NOVAIS SILVA在本场分论坛中发表了题为A Force for Good: how youth initiatives change the impact of drones in society(《用之以善:青年倡议如何改变无人机在社会中的影响》)的主旨演讲。他以无人机应用为切入点,分享了来自印度尼西亚、美国等地青年组织的创新案例。他指出,青年人以创新思维将无人机技术运用于野生动物保护、灾难应对和农业生产等领域,改变了公众对于无人机的负面印象,展现了青年在推动科技向善方面承担的重要角色。
The Youth Innovation Forum was incredibly inspiring. The energy was vibrant, with young minds sharing their experiences and attitudes to real-world problems. I love the engaging speakers and the valuable insights on innovation’s role in our changing world. Networking with passionate students made me feel part of a community ready to make a difference. The collaborative workshops encouraged us to develop our ideas and boost communication skills. Overall, I left feeling empowered and excited waiting forward to changes that our generation is about to make!
The youth is making progressive strides in many areas where social development is concerned.
In my country, the Philippines, young people are making positive impacts in addressing issues related to education, environment, livelihood, and health.
I have always been an advocate of the youth to be the best in whatever spheres of influence they are in. I echo that in our sub-group discussion at the Youth Forum of the 2024 Tongzhou Global Development Forum. This means taking advantage of opportunities to learn may it be through further studies, travel, or mentorship with an expert.
It warms my heart to attend a youth forum like the one held at the Tongzhou Campus of RUCin Beijing because it sends a message of hope that the youth is not an apathetic populace that are often relegated as mere keyboard warriors.
We are taking real and sincere action plans for the greater good.
We are utilizing both online and offline tools to create positive and meaningful impact.
We, most certainly, are the change that we want to see in this world.
——RUFFOLO,CRIS EVERT(菲律宾籍新闻学院进修生)
It was an amazing opportunity to attend the Tongzhou Global Development Forum. It provided a sense of unity and purpose among the diverse attendees as we engaged in meaningful discussions about the development of technology, specifically AI. We were also given the chance to network and learn more about similar events, which is something I look forward to. I truly enjoyed listening to all the speakers and how they highlighted the critical role “we as young people have in shaping the world”. This experience has motivated me to consider how I can contribute to a more positive change, both during my time here and in the future. I look forward to sharing my experiences with my friends and encouraging them to engage in similar experiences.
——MC CLAIN,JORDAN REBECCA(美国籍国际关系学院硕士研究生)
Today, I had the opportunity to attend the Youth Forum of the Tongzhou Global Development Forum.The forum really made me realize the power of networking: I was part of a group of young students from at least 31 countries, studying at various universities in Beijing. All of us had one important aspect in common: we wanted to share that, as young global citizens, we genuinely care about the future, which primarily belongs to us. Through its keynote speeches, panel discussions, and the initiative launch, the forum enabled me to deepen my knowledge of certain issues I had already read about, namely the importance of interdisciplinary collaboration and intercultural communication in solving global issues such as climate change and the energy crisis. At the same time, the event was also a chance to learn about cutting-edge technologies, such as the various applications of drones in society and the use of AI for humanitarian aid. The Initiative that was launched is, in my opinion, a powerful example of how youth can be the driving force of innovation, and I hope this proposal will continue to have a lasting impact.
First, I’d like to thank RUC for the opportunity to attend such an inspiring forum where I meet like-minded youths who are ready to change the world some day.
I learnt a handful today and I hope to be one of the youths with spirited demeanor and unwavering commitment to build a community with a shared future for mankind and advance to a new stage of global development.
A youth that will identify itself and it’s help to the society.
A youth that will stimulate innovation and cultural communication.
We are all still a work going on and together we can change the world!
——EZIDIMMA,BLESSING IJEOMA(尼日利亚籍国际关系学院硕士研究生)