12月26日,新华社在栏目《全球连线》上发布文章与视频“GLOBALink | Filipino 'sponge boy' sends letter of thanks to 'Dear Chinese vaccine' ”,报道了我校菲律宾籍学生蔡墨文(Melvin Chua)写信感谢中国疫苗的动人故事。 蔡墨文自2019年起在我校商学院攻读硕士学位,然而在他来华不久后,新冠肺炎疫情爆发。
蔡墨文在信中写道,"At the time, I was terrified. Unfortunately, I did not have enough money to return home. But looking back now, I'm really proud of my decision to stay in China during the difficult time."(当时我很害怕,但不幸的是,我没有足够的钱回家。现在回想起来,我真为自己决定在困难时期留在中国而感到自豪。)
今年五月,蔡墨文在人民大学接种完毕两针新冠疫苗,而当时他的祖国仍然缺乏有效的疫苗接种。而今,随着中国向菲律宾持续地提供疫苗援助,近3800万菲律宾人已经接种了中国研制生产的新冠肺炎疫苗,其中也包括蔡墨文的母亲和兄弟姐妹。蔡墨文怀着真挚的感谢之情写道,“I was really happy and grateful to be able to get vaccinated in Beijing, because it just gave me so much confidence to explore (the city and my university). I was even able to celebrate festivals and birthdays with my friends and visit some beautiful places in Beijing.”(能够在北京接种疫苗,我真的感到高兴和感激,因为它给了我很大信心去探索(这座城市和我的大学)。我甚至可以跟朋友们一起庆祝节日和生日,还能在北京参观一些美丽的地方。)