


The Third Letter to All International Students


Dear Students:


    In view of the rapid spread of COVID-19 across the world, the University is very concerned about your health! No matter where you are, please keep a close eye on yourself, protect yourself and your families, wash your hands frequently and avoid parties.


    At present, the COVID-19 dynamics in Beijing remain quite fluid, and it’s now far from the time to declare victory. All foreign nationals in Beijing are now subject to the same coronavirus prevention and control measures as those applied to the locals. We call on all RUC international students in Beijing to comply with the city’s regulations on epidemic control and support the control measures.


International students who live on campus can observe the control regulations and do not leave the campus without permission. We will, as always, provide various services for international students to facilitate your life and work in RUC.


International students who live off campus can observe the control regulations in resident community. Avoid unnecessary outgoings. If you have to go out, wear the mask all the time. Take temperature as required and follow other instructions. Avoid gathering.


    Please understand and cooperate with the University continuously, remember to report your health status through the “Epidemic prevention system” daily. Fight against the virus scientifically, and make good use of your time. No student is allowed to return to Beijing and RUC campus in advance without prior approval.


    Please keep studying online as scheduled. Graduating Class students please communicate with your thesis advisor and make preparations for your thesis defense. 

   祝同学们和家人身体健康! 相信在大家的共同努力下,未来我们一定会在校园里迎回健康朝气的你们!

    We wish all international students and your families in good health. We are confident that through mutual assistance, we will prevail over this epidemic and meet you all on RUC campus soon. We are always with you.



International Student Office


April 9,2020