

尊敬的外籍教师(博士后) : 

Dear RUC foreign teachers/postdoctoral researchers:


    Greetings from RUC!

    当前,新冠肺炎疫情防控工作在中国正处于最吃劲的关键 阶段。随着多国陆续出现疫情,世界卫生组织将新冠肺炎疫情 全球风险级别由此前的“高”上调至“非常高” 。

    As you know, China is currently at a critical stage fighting against the novel coronavirus disease (COVID-19). With more and more cases reported in many countries around the world, the WHO has recently raised the global risk level of the new epidemic from “high” to “very high”.

    自疫情爆发以来,您积极支持中国政府的防控工作,配合 学校的防疫规定,及时关注并反馈个人信息,学校对您的理解 和支持表示衷心的感谢。外籍教师(博士后)队伍在学校事业 发展过程中作出了巨大贡献,您的生命安全和身心健康是学校 最深切的牵挂。学校希望您照顾好自己及家人,与我们共同应 对这次疫情挑战。为此,我们呼吁您积极配合做好以下工作:

    Since the outbreak of the epidemic, you have actively supported the prevention and control work of the Chinese government, fully complied with RUC’s epidemic prevention regulations, and provided feedback on personal information in a timely manner. We sincerely appreciate your understanding and support. All the RUC foreign teachers/postdoctoral researchers have madegreat contributions to the development of the University. Your safety and health are our greatest concern. We hope you will take good care of yourself and your family and work with us to cope with the challenge of the epidemic. To this end, we call on you to cooperate with us in the following work:

    1、请您严格遵守中国政府及卫生部门发布的指示,认真 采取所有必要的防范步骤,避免到人群密集的地点参与活动, 不给病毒趁虚而入的机会。 

    1.Please strictly abide by the directivesissued by the Chinese government and the health department, and take all necessary precautions to avoid mass gatherings to keep off the virus.

    2、请您遵守学校有关管理规定,保持信息畅通,及时将 您的行程和身体状况向所在学院(系)汇报。如果出现咳嗽、 发烧等症状,请立即通知所在学院(系)并寻求医疗帮助。

    2. Please abide by the relevant management regulations of the University, keep us informed of your updates, and report your scheduleand physical condition to your College/Department timely. If you cough or have a fever, please inform your College/Department immediately as well as seek medical help.


    3. Please cooperate with the epidemic prevention and control work of your community, e.g. fillingin the basic information form, reporting your health status, and learning about the epidemic prevention and control policy.

    暮春三月,期待我们共同打赢这场防疫之战,学校盼望您 及家人平安健康,感谢您的理解与支持!

    In the spring time of March, we are looking forward to winning this war against the epidemic together. When the day of triumph arrives, RUC looks forward to welcoming you and your family back to the University. Thank you for your understanding and support!



 Leading Group Office for Talents 


Human Resource Department 


 International Office 

Renmin University of China

2020 年 3 月 5 日 

March 5, 2020