> A Free Trip to the Great Wall! -中国人民大学留学生办公室


A Free Trip to the Great Wall!

“  为丰富新生生活,我办拟于2015年9月19日组织长城一日游。该活动对所有2015年秋季入学的新生免费。请有兴趣的同学前往留学生办公室报名。  报名截止时间为2015年9月16日下午4点前。座位有限,请有兴趣的同学速来!

Deadline for signing up: September 16, 2015 (16:00 p.m. sharp) 

Who’seligible: all the new enrolled students (2015 autumn semester)Where tosign up: Room 108, International Student OfficeWhen isthe tour: September 19, 2015(Saturday)Limitedseats! Hurry Up!!!!The final namelist will be put up on September 17, 2015. Please stay tuned and check your name atthat time. The departure time will then be notified.