> 新生开学第一周需注意的五件事丨Five things you need to know-for the New Students -中国人民大学留学生办公室


新生开学第一周需注意的五件事丨Five things you need to know-for the New Students










Notice|Five things you need to know

1.Form of the Registration for International Students is very important. If you forgot to submit the form when you registered ,please take it to our office(International Cultural Communication Center Room108).If you missed some important information such as your ID photo,your Chinese phone number or yourhome address,please come and fill in the form in time as well.

2.All the Chinese Language students must take the test on September 10th,2015.The test starts at 14:00p.m. at No.3 Education Building, Taking partin test also means you have already registered with School of Liberal Arts.

3.The ISO arranges Orientation for all the degree students,including the graduatestudents,undergraduate students in Chinese and Doctor Degree Students,please come to Room 1102,No.1 Education Building onSeptember 11th,9:00-12:00a.m.

The Orientation for Non-degree students will be held at Room 1102,No.1Education Building on September 11th,14:30-17:00p.m.

4.Aply for one-year "Residence Permit",you must submit"Medical Report Certificate" from designated clinic-BeijingInternational Travel Healthcare Center Haidian clinic-to the Public SecurityBureau,within 30 days after your arrival by your "X1" visa.If youhave other hospital`s examination results,you must bring it to this clinic for"vertification" to obtain the "Medical Report Certificate".

If your X1 or L visa will be expired before September 20th,please completethe physical examination by yourself.Please pay attention to "The Guidebook of Physical Examination".

The ISO will take you to the designated hospital on September 15th and16th,Assembly Time:11:45, Assembly Location:Hall of Gaoli Building. So pleasebe awareness of your visa expiration time.

5.You will need E-card when you take classes and have dinner and so on, pleasego to take pictures at IT Center in person for getting the E-card. The degreestudents will get the E-cards from your own department ,the non-degree studentscan take your E-cards at ISO after informed by ISO.Please wait for furthernotice.