News & Notice

Notice: Annual Evaluation of Chinese Government Scholarship 2015

Measures of Annual Review of Chinese Government Scholarship Status

According to the Measures of Annual Review for Chinese Government Scholarship Status by China Scholarship Council, all Chinese Government Scholarship students, continue to study next year, at Renmin University of China, are required to take the annual review. Should you fail to take the annual review, your scholarship would be terminated. The details of the annual review are as follows:


1. Chinese Government Scholarship Students who have originally planned to continue study in Renmin in next year;

2. Chinese Government Scholarship Students who have finished their planned study programs but need to extend to graduate in next year;

3. Scholarship students whose scholarship was suspended in the 2014 Annual Review and wish to apply for resumption of scholarship.


Step 1:Please download and print the form from the webpage at,,only fill Page 1 by yourself.

Step 2:Please print your tran1111s and go to the academic affairs division in your school to stamp on it;

Step 3: Please submit the Annual Review Form & stamped tran1111 to International Students Office (Room108, International Culture Exchange Center) before 5:00 p.m. of May 22, 2015.

Contact person: Mr Du 62512359

International Students Office

May 17, 2015