News & Notice

Application for 2019 Outstanding International Student Award

申请条件及要求Application requirements:

1. 2018级硕士研究生(二年制),2018级、2017级的硕士研究生(三年制)。

2018 Masters (2-year post-graduate degree program), 2018 and 2017 Masters (3-year post-graduate degree program)

2. 要求所提交成绩(GPA)至少在3.5以上。

GPA should be at least 3.5.


If you meet one of the following, you are not eligible to apply for the awards.

3. 已经获得本国政府奖学金、中国政府奖学金和孔子学院奖学金资助的同学不得报名卓越奖励金。

Students with scholarships from Domestic Government, Chinese Government Council and Confucius Institute are not eligible.

4. 有不及格或未通过成绩的同学不得申请卓越奖励金。

Students with failing grades are not eligible.

5. 已经休学、2019-2020学年将要休学的同学不得申请卓越奖励金。

If you are not currently enrolled as a full-time student (e.g., your student status is not enrolled) or plan to change your student status from full-time enrolled to be temporarily absent from the university in the 2019-2020 academic year, you are not eligible.

6. 有签证过期记录的同学不得申请卓越奖励金。

If you ever broke your visa record (e.g., you’ve received penalty due to visa expiration), you are not eligible.

7. 受到过学校纪律处分的同学不得申请卓越奖励金。

If you ever received penalty due to undisciplined behavior, disobey the university regulations, broke the laws, you are not eligible.

8. 有违反校内公寓住宿规定记录的同学不得申请卓越奖励金。

Students who have violated the rules of accommodation cannot apply for the scholarship.

申请材料Application documents:

1. 中国人民大学国际学生卓越奖励金申请表

Application form of Outstanding International Student Award

2. 一封所在学院教授或者副教授的推荐信

A recommendation letter from the professor or associate professor.

3. 2017-2018学年第二学期、2018-2019学年第一学期的成绩单(须加盖学院公章)

Transcript in the second semester of the 2017-2018 academic year and transcript in the first semester of the 2018-2019 academic year. All the transcripts must be authorized by school with stamps.


Note: New students from 2018 fall semester should only provide the transcript from the first semester of 2018-2019 academic year. Students who resumed their study in 2019 must provide the transcript from the first semester of 2018-2019 academic year and the transcript from the semester before suspending.

4. 提供相关论文发表证明的优先考虑

Published papers (if applicable)

申请流程Application process:

1. 申请人通过留学生办公室网站(上的“下载专区”-“奖学金”页面下载卓越奖励金申请表

Download the application form at website

2. 按申请表内容逐项填写,请学院填写意见并加盖公章。

Fill in the form from the school with stamp.

3. 学生将申请表、成绩单和推荐信一并提交至学院,学院将所有材料送至留学生办公室.

Students send the application form, transcripts and recommendation letter to School. The School collects the documents to ISO.

4. 截止日期:2019年3月25日

Deadline: March 25th, 2019

5. 4月份,学校组织奖学金评审。5月份公布获奖名单。

The university will organize the evaluation in April. And the final award list will be announced in May.

附件:中国人民大学国际学生卓越奖学金申请表Outstanding International Students Award Application Form