News & Notice

Invitation to current students and alumni to contribute video greetings for RUC’s 80th birthday

No one can stop the passage of time, as they say. This year, amidst Beijing’s beautiful autumn, amongst the vibrant colours of the falling leaves, RUC will celebrate its 80th anniversary. Eighty years through sunshine and pouring rain, RUC has persevered in its goal of being a university of academic excellence serving the people and the nation. We strive to be amongst the best, sharing a common destiny with humanity, and march towards our target of being amongst the world’s best institutes of higher learning.

In order to mark this momentous occasion, and to honour the beating heart of our university, that is to say, our students, we are inviting all RUC international students past and present to create a short video for our celebration, expressing their feelings toward their alma mater in celebration of our 80th anniversary celebration.

1. Eligibility

Current and former international students of Renmin University. You can submit an individual or group video.

2. Video requirements

i The theme for the content is “what you’d like to say to your alma mater on her 80th anniversary.” If you graduated a long time ago, focus on reflections from your time at RUC. Recent graduates can express their hopes for the future. Please end your video by saying “happy 80th birthday Renmin University!” (祝人大八十岁生日快乐 – zhù rén dà bā shí suì shēng rì kuài lè!)

ii Please use at least a 5.0 megapixel camera to take the video, in landscape mode

iii Place your head in the middle of the screen, with anything you like on the sides, perhaps showing some special scenery from your homeland, or let your imagination run wild!

iv Please show your complete head, with some distance from the top of the screen, with the bottom of the screen around the shoulder area, and with appropriate spacing and pleasing scenery.

v Please ensure the sound is clear, that the location is not too noisy, and that the screen is steady when taking the video

vi Please keep the content concise and to the point, to a maximum of two minutes, there is no need to expound your thesis or tell grand stories!

vii When submitting your video, please also send a transcript, including the name(s) of the person(s), their organisation, contact details, and the details of their study at RUC (year, school, course). When writing the content, please include a Chinese translation if possible, along with the place and time that it was filmed

viii Submitting your video to RUC implies consent to have your video edited and shown in public.

3. Collection deadline

The final day for submission of your video is the 30th of April 2017

4. How to submit

post: please burn your video to CD and send it to:

Renmin University Gao Li Hui Guan 108

Zhong Guan Cun Da Jie 59 Hao

Haidian District, Beijing

People’s Republic of China


[北京市海淀区中关村大街59号中国人民大学高丽会馆108 邮编:100872]

email: Please send it to:

5. Contact details

p: 0086-010-6251 1588


6. Further information

This collection of videos for RUC’s 80th birthday will be broadcast during the celebrations on the internet, on RUC’s official WeChat and Weibo accounts, and other media, with the best videos being incorporated into the production of RUC’s official 80th anniversary film. After the celebrations, the videos will be kept in perpetual storage for their historical value for exhibition in the University museum. We invite all current students and alumni to take part in this activity, and express our sincere gratitude to all of you in advance for your contributions and support for the university and for its development into the future!