News & Notice

安全知识 | 杜绝火患,从我做起


Fire is the most threatening disaster, and especially with the dry winter weather it is easy for a fire to rise. Lately, there have been a lot of fire accidents on campus due to students carelessly using some electric equipment and causing security and safety issues to others. In order to prevent these kind of incidents, the International Students Office prepared some safety tips for you.






How to prevent a fire?

Don’t break the power consuming regulations; don’t smoke in the room or in the public area and don’t throw burning cigarettes on the grass or ground.

Don’t use candles or store any inflammable/explosive materials in your dorm. (Coal, oven liquids, alcohol heaters etc.)

Don’t put any inflammable materials next to heat sources (lamp, heater etc.)

Don’ t block the emergency exits and do not burn any rubbish!






How to call the fire brigade?

Call the “119” (you can use any phone to call them)

When they pick up the phone, explain shortly what happened, where you are (location), time, and what is next to the fire. (Explosive or any other dangerous articles)

Explain if there is any way for the fire engine, your name, location and cellphone number. Only hang up the phone after they hung up!





How to extinguish a fire?

In order to extinguish a fire properly, please cut off the electricity supply first and then try to extinguish the fire.

If the fire was caused by wood, paper or cotton, you can use water, earth or sand, or any kind of soaked blanket or clothing to suffocate the fire.

If the fire was caused by kerosene, alcohol or similar kinds of firecracker, don’t use water to extinguish the fire, you can use sand to cover the liquids.

If the fire was caused by coal or gas, you can use any kind of soaked blankets or clothing, but never use only water to extinguish the fire!









How to flee from a fire?

Only use the emergency exits!

Don’t bother to take any money or goods with you, just flee!

While trying to flee, try not to breath in the thick smoke. Take a wet towel and cover your mouth and nose.

If your clothes catches fire, roll on the ground in order to extinguish the fire.

Don’t use the elevator and only go through the emergency exits. If the door is already on fire, don’t open the door and go back into the interior and use wet towels or clothing to block the door and windows, in order to not let in more thick smoke.  (If there is no signal or no phone, try to shout out of the window in order to get rescued)

Don’t jump out of the window or balcony! Try to tie up a bed sheet and other clothing, so you can slide down.





How to mitigate the thick smoke?

Try to spout water in the room in order to maintain a lower temperature in the room. Use a wet towel to cover your mouth and nose and try to close the doors and windows to prevent the smoke coming into the room.

If the smoke is not too thick, maintain your head as low as possible and try to walk out, if the smoke is already too thick, then try to crawl on the ground and go to the exit. (Maintain as near to the ground as possible (30cm) in order to breath better!)

If you are on a high floor, don’t go on the elevator or the stairs next to the elevator! Usually the fire comes from there.

