News & Notice

Apply for the "Electrombile Temporary License Plate" before April 30

The owner of electrombile shall apply for a temporary license plate from Beijing Traffic Management Bureau during the period from November 1, 2018 to April 30, 2019. From May 1st, 2019, electrombiles without 电动车临时标识 will be detained and fined 1,000 yuan!

Please apply online, get offline. Let’s take a look at the specific steps!

Apply online


Download the "北京交警" app on your mobile phone


Click "过渡期电动自行车申请临时标识平台" on the home page, and then click "个人申报界面".


Click“线上申请、线下领取”,Fill in the information required and upload photos accordingly.

The position of the电动车整车编码(钢架号)is shown as follows


After the information is submitted successfully,click “历史申请记录” to check the historical application information.(If it is in the“身份验证失败”state,click and correct your information. If it is“身份待验证”, please wait patiently。If it is “已签发”, you may make an appointment.)


If it is“已签发”,click“立即预约”, choose the nearest area and administration, make an appointment (you may make it 7 days in advance). If you cannot go on that day, please make a new appointment.


Save or printed the QR code generated when the appointment is successfully made.

Get offline

Go to the administration you appointed on time, show staffs the QR code. After the QR code being checked, the temporary license plate will be issued right away.


1. The application deadline is April 30, 2019. Please apply in time.

2. Any questions about the online application process, you may consult Traffic Management Division of the Security Office.

Time: every Wednesday (before April 10)

Location: 6305, the third floor of swimming building

Tel: 62511032