News & Notice

Safety Tips

Safety Tips about the spring holiday

Dear students:

As the spring holiday is coming,we want to remind you of some safety tips.

1. Pay attention to the traffic safety

If you plan to travel outside,you must choose public transport means.Do not take vehicles such as motorcycle or electric bicycle which is at high risk.

2. Pay attention to your personal security

When you are off traveling,especially at night,you’d better go with several friends.keep away from remote regions and rough places to ensure your safety.

Don’t trust strangers too easily.If someone accost you in the street by the name of introducing jobs or language study,take notice of your individual privacy and property.don’t follow new acquaintance to remote places,don’t take strangers to your dormitory at the same time.if some people unknown force their way indoors,please inform the apartment management as soon as possible.

Keep an eye on your personal property such as the wallet,the telephone and the computer at public places such as shopping malls or attractions.

When you travel outside,don’t take too much cash with you and don’t leave large amounts of money in your dormitory as well. Please check the identity of  the opposite side when you need to transfer money through the internet bank.

Wish you a happy and safe holiday!