News & Notice


As this year is winding down, the semester is close to its end, the holiday spirit is all over the place. The malls, pubs, restaurants are full of promotions and various activities. As you can imagine, those places will be full of crowded people.The Beijing Municipal Public Security Bureau has issued the yellow-coded safety alert.This Alert will remain in effect throughout this holiday season, with aim to raise awareness of the whole society, to guarantee the safety and security.

The International Students Office wants to send out the safety tips to all the international students

1. Don`t go to populated areas unless you have to.

2. No drinking or disturbing. Don’t gather a crowd to drink in bars, pubs.etc.  

3. Don’t come back late at night. Arrange your time wisely.

4. Stay away from the troubles or most-frequently-affected places of crime.

5. Obey the traffic rules and regulations, especially when crossing the roads and driving. NO DRUNK driving and fatigue driving. Do not take unlicensed taxi alone.

6. Take good care of your personal belongings and safety.

We want to wish you a safe, peaceful and happy holiday! And good luck with your finals!